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Helllo Mac, Russ Marano here. I’m nearly positive you are the Cardinal Cushing McClintock. Ran into this and after reading a few pages I bought the book off Amazon. Good stuff extreme interesting read. So glad you put your adventures into a book telling it like it is.
Russell (Russ),
I only check my website periodically so don’t feel ignored. It’s now more than a week since you entered your comment but I just found it. I noticed you sent me a text or email of some sort and will deal with that momentarily. Let me say first that I’m delighted to hear from you. I still wounder about our old school chums from time to time but have never joined any of the old school chum finder apps and so have not maintained contact(s). I went to two grammars, and three high-schools. Ive got too many old school chums to count and was close to only a very few. I miss having enduring relationships with many people I knew growing up and have to say once more, I’m just very pleased that you reached back to me. I’ll endeavor to re-establish contact for old time sake, if you like.